First 2 commissions received $180 in total
SO... that was easy. Super quick, first $20 paid via paypal, 2nd of $160 straight into my bank, literally within minutes. Looking forward to what is coming
karenroberts - United Kingdom
Herausragendes Unternehmen 5Billionsales bringt mit seiner einzigartigen Geschäftsstrategie riesigen Mehrwert für ALLE Mitglieder !
Liebe Freunde, ich bin seit Anfang November letzten Jahres begeistertes Mitglied beim Unternehmen 5Billionsales. Meinem Empfehlungsgeber Dirk bin ich sehr dankbar dafür, dass er mir dieses "einzigartige Geschäftskonzept" vorgestellt hat. Allein der Umstand, dass man hier KOSTENLOS starten kann und ab dem 1. Tag bereits Vergütungen bekommt, ist grandios und sensationell. Obwohl ich schon viele Jahre im Online-Marketing tätig bin und einige Unternehmen bereits kennengelernt habe, ist 5Billionsales das mit Abstand beste :-) 5Billionsales bietet mit seiner offenen, sehr detaillierten und ehrlichen Informationsgebung allen seinen Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit, ein herausragendes PASSIVES EINKOMMEN zu lukrieren. Niemand muss hier auch nur 1 Cent in die Hand nehmen und kann trotzdem mit Leichtigkeit FINANZIELLE FREIHEIT erreichen :-) Den Initiatoren und dem Management von 5B darf ich bei dieser Gelegenheit meinen aufrichtigen Dank und größten Respekt für ihre bisher geleistete Arbeit aussprechen. Schließlich möchte ich auch sehr positiv erwähnen, dass 5B alle bisherigen Versprechungen eingehalten hat und auch ich bereits zweimal Provisionszahlungen erhalten habe :-) Ich freue mich auf eine spannende, erfolgreiche, gemeinsame Zeit mit 5B und wünsche mir, dass alle Menschen dieser Welt diese geniale Verdienstmöglichkeit erkennen und ihren Nutzen daraus ziehen :-) Mit freundschaftlichen Grüßen: Alexander Hafner
Dear friends, I have been an enthusiastic member of the 5Billionsales company since the beginning of November last year. I am very grateful to my sponsor Dirk for introducing me to this "unique business concept". The mere fact that you can start here for FREE and receive remuneration from the 1st day is grandiose and sensational. Although I have been working in online marketing for many years and have already got to know a few companies, 5Billionsales is by far the best :-) With its open, very detailed and honest information, 5Billionsales offers all its members the opportunity to earn an outstanding PASSIVE INCOME. No one has to put their hands on just 1 cent and still be able to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM with ease :-) I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and the greatest respect to the initiators and the management of 5B for the work they have done so far. Finally, I would also like to mention very positively that 5B has kept all previous promises and I have already received commission payments twice :-) I am looking forward to an exciting, successful time together with 5B and I wish that all people in this world enjoy this brilliant recognizing earning potential and taking advantage of it :-) Best regards: Alexander Hafner
gewinner - Austria
Commissions Received
Massive thank you for the my second $20 commission payment, received with a couple of hours of requesting a withdrawal. I am so incredibly grateful for 5BS and possibilities this is bringing everyone... It is incredibly easy to use and is available to everyone :-)
passiveincomeaddicts - United Kingdom
rimaparvin from India
I have 1st payment from I am very happy. Thank you
rimaparvin - India
Ich war noch nie so glücklich mit einem Unternehmen , wie bei 5Billionsales, es ist einfach großartig, hier dabei sein zu dürfen, das war das Beste , was mir widerfahren konnte. Die ersten 20$ waren innerhalb von Stunden auf meinem Konto, die nächsten 40$ folgen in Kürze, weitere Zahlungen werden folgen, was will man mehr. Kommunikation läuft sehr gut, alles bestens , man bekommt jede Unterstützung! Ich kann Euch allen nur empfehlen, seit hier dabei, macht einfach mit!
markret - Germany
Agradecida con mis primeros $20 por una VENTA GARANTIZADAS
Hice una venta de anuncio de VG y al mes exacto me pagaron mis $ 20 los cuales envie para mi PAYPAL y llego al momento, Esperando ahora mi proximo pago de $ 1000 y esperando felizmente al agosto 25 para todos comenzar a ganar de nuestros datos, RECOMIENDO COMPARTIR 5 BILLION SALES para ayudar a cambiar vidas de manera gratis y segura.
anegociarfree - United States of America
I Received My Payment in my Kenyan Bank Account!
I received my payment into my Kenyan Bank account. This is one of many that I am expecting. I am excited as I now expect a great many of those that I invited and that are still waiting for evidence of payment to get active! For Kenya - the 5B Team is working on making MPESA payments. This will be a real game changer as over as Kenya has the highest mobile money usage in the World!
mpenzi - Kenya
Das Beste ,was mir je passieren konnte ,ist 5 BillionSales
Hallo in die Welt von 5 Billion Sales ! Ich bin seit November 2021 dabei und habe mit Respekt und auch ein wenig Unverdrossenheit bei 5 B gestartet . . . auch deshalb,weil es kostenlos ist und jedem Partner nach seiner Anmmeldung jährlich 401 $ Verdienst bringt . . . für nicht einmal tägliche " Arbeit " von 10 Minuten . . . und das ganz ohne Einsatz eines jeglichen Cent,der Wahnsinn schlechthin ! Aber es kommt noch besser ! Meine tägliche Arbeit und mein Bemühen 5 B besser zu verstehen und mit 5 B zu lernen,habe ich mich auch als Affiliate angemeldet,und nach ca. 3 Monaten 2 x 20 $ ausbezahlt bekommen,als passives Einkommen generiert,hört sich für einige recht wenig an,mam kann aber ne Menge Geld raus machen.Aus meinen 24 direkten Partner sind bis jetzt über 800 indirekte geworden,welche mir eine Überschreibungsprovision von bis dato über 2000$ eingebracht haben !! Wo gibt es so etwas noch einmal,und,wie erwähnt,ohne einen einzigen Cent Einsatz an Eigenkapial.Es gibt noch etliches MEHR an Möglichkeiten,um bei 5 B Geld zu verdienen . . . als bis jetzt letzteres habe ich die Anzeigenaktion " Garantierte Verkaüfe" in Anspruch genommen,um in ca. 90 Tagen in den Genuß von 155000 $ zu kommen ! Es lohnt sich allemal,hier mitzumachen,und mit einer weltweiten und gleichdenkenden Gemeinschaft die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit zu erreichen ! Es gibt noch viel positives mehr mit und um5 BillionSales zu sagen um eine wunderbare Zukunft zu erreichen.Danke,der Franz !
franzpiek1954 - Germany
I got paid!
I've been with 5 Billion since the prelaunch phase and have watched my team and my earnings grow far beyond what I thought was possible. I successfully withdrew my first $140 and had it paid in to my bank account 2 days later. I have another $40 to withdraw today. I'm excited to have income due over the next couple of months from ads and then from my own data in August. Thanks 5 Billion!
michsmig - Australia
5BillionSales macht Träume war
Ich habe meine 20$ Provision umgehend auf mein Bankkonto erhalten. Es ist schön mitzuerleben, wie die Anzeigenkäufer sich freuen auf die ersten Verkäufe....... Bald ist es soweit und die ersten werden Grosses berichten können. 5BillionSales wird viele Menschen glücklich machen.
rmworld - Switzerland
Another advert commission received!
5 Billion Sales keeps paying commissions despite all of their efforts in sorting through multitudes of accounts that have abused this wonderful opportunity! Many, many more commissions on the way. There is absolutely ZERO room left for doubt….Thank you for making this opportunity available for honest individuals who appreciate your service.
baldwinbitcoin - United States of America
100 Adverts & Getting Paid Faster!
I joined in October and got 2673 level 1 affiliates and Sell Data users. After launch, I switched from promoting Sell Data and hit Guaranteed Sales like mad using banners and video from the affiliate back office's marketing page. I A/B tested both affiliate links #1 and #3 and my affiliate link #3 worked best. I pinned a post to my FB page, Twitter and other socials. I wrote my own emails and used aweber to deliver to my contacts. I added a signature to my emails with my affiliate link #3 and changed my iphone signature too. I chatted on marketing newsgroups where newbies learn to promote. I joined a lot of dropshipping, MLM and affiliate groups on FB, Alibaba, Telegram and Reddit. I created a throw away gmail and posted it on 100 groups and got spammed, but answered each with an away message and signature. I referred 48 new people that bought adverts and my other level 1 affiliates have bought 70+ adverts off me so far. Life is great! Now I got my 100 ads and teaching my Level 1 how to replicate what I did so they get paid their Sell Data commission and overrides faster too. Withdrew my first $600 yesterday... Happy Days!
Yaara - Israel
Thank you 5 Billion Sales
Hello my dear teammates. I want to thank the creative team of 5 Billion Sales for this wonderful project. I received the first payment from the guaranteed sale of $40. Long, interesting, fruitful, life to the creators of this wonderful project. Join us to create a strong and healthy team. I love you all. Lilit Hovhannisyan from Armenia
lilit05 - Armenia
GTS Sell Advert Bonus Received
This is amazing...I successfully withdrew my Guaranteed Sales Sell Advert Bonus of $40 and it was so so wonderful especially the professional approach with which $5B team handle members concerns. For all the doubters please it's high time you embrace $5B and aggressively promote it for others to join because what is coming is far bigger than what you can imagine. Thanks to all the management and operators of 5Billionsales.
cashdaddie - Nigeria
Commission Received
Hi everyone, Just a quick heads up on how pleased I was to receive $20 dollars commission from 5Billionsales. No it's not a fortune but it shows they pay. Another quick point, I had my payments set to be paid into PayPal, I received an email suggesting that I changed it to receive payments into my bank account as larger payments sometimes had problems going into PayPal. I did as they asked (5Billionsales) and the payment was sent within minutes. Thank you 5Billionsales for my payment. David Kinghorn kingdave
kingdave - United Kingdom
$5B and AI are the Future of Marketing Here Today!
Anyone who is paying attention to the advent of Artificial Intelligence win marketing needs to join $5B Sales. It is the Future of Marketing Today! I have been a successful network marketer for over 40 years and $5B Sales makes every other method including Social and Influencer of building your business obsolete. Yesterday was exciting to say the least, when we instantly saw $260.00 transfer to our bank account. $5B Sales does what it says it will do. We will join those who are receiving their first $155K in a matter of days from now. Many thanks to $5B Sales and the insightful friend who shared this incredible opportunity with my family and I.
shelby1950 - United States of America
5BillionSales will change your life
Dołączyłam do programu afiliacyjnego 5BillionSales we wrześniu 2021, w fazie pre-launch. I mogę śmiało powiedzieć, że to była najlepsza decyzja biznesowa w moim życiu. Nie znam prostszego i bardziej dochodowego biznesu, w którym każdy na całym świecie może zarabiać bez inwestycji i bez ryzyka. Wypłaciłam pierwsze prowizje za sprzedaż reklam. Pieniądze znalazły się na moim koncie bankowym w ciągu kilku godzin. Kupiłam reklamy Gwarantowanej Sprzedaży i czekam na dostawę. Jestem ogromnie wdzięczna mojej sponsor za zaproszenie do 5BillionSales. Właśnie spełniam swoje marzenie o prawdziwej wolności finansowej! Jeżeli uwierzysz w ten biznes i poważnie się zaangażujesz, będziesz zaskoczony efektami. 5BillionSales naprawdę zmieni twoje życie! Jestem niesamowicie podekscytowana kolejnymi możliwościami, które dla nas szykuje.
Sky is the limit! I joined the 5BillionSales affiliate program in September 2021, in the pre-launch. And I can confidently say that it was the best business decision of my life. I don't know of a simpler and more profitable business where anyone around the world can make money with no investment and no risk. I was paid my first commissions for selling ads. The money was in my bank account within hours. I bought the Guaranteed Sale ads and am waiting for the delivery. I am extremely grateful to my sponsor for inviting me to 5BillionSales. I am just fulfilling my dream of true financial freedom! If you believe in this business and make a serious commitment, you will be amazed at the results. 5BillionSales will truly change your life! I am incredibly excited about the next opportunities that they have in store for us.
agnieszkabolesta - Poland
5Billion puede ser una buena oportunidad para quienes quieren verla
Cuando me recomendaron 5billion no dude y confié desde el primer momento. Recuerdo escuchar a muchas personas decir y si no es confiable y si no pagan, y si no funciona. Mientras esas personas se quedaron atrás con sus comentarios Hoy cobro mi primera comisión de las que vendrán. Creo que toda oportunidad de negocio debe ser reconocida y probada antes de generar cualquier juicio. Y recordé: Para que cualquier negocio tenga éxito SE NECESITA LA VOLUNTAD DEL HOMBRE para realizarlo.
infinitoavance - Spain
Affidabilità pagamento commissioni.
5Billion Sales é una opportunità fantastica. Ringrazio di cuore chi mi ha consigliato l'affiliazione. Nel nostro backoffice possiamo seguire lo scadenzario degli accreditamenti per le molteplici commissioni che 5B ci accredita. Attualmente sono 3 possibilità ma presto se ne aggiungeranno altre. La mia prima commissione di 20 USD mi é stata versata sul mio conto bancario esattamente il giorno indicato nello scadenzario. Sono convinto che la stessa procedura verrà rispettata anche alle future scadenze, per cui serenamente consiglio tutti gli affiliati di spandere la voce e offrire questa grande opportunità a chiunque, ovunque nel Mondo.
5Billion Sales is a fantastic opportunity. I sincerely thank those who recommended the affiliation to me. In our back office we can follow the accreditation schedule for the multiple commissions that 5B credits us. Currently there are 3 possibilities but soon more will be added. My first commission of USD 20 was paid into my bank account exactly on the day indicated in the schedule. I am convinced that the same procedure will also be respected at future deadlines, so I calmly recommend all affiliates to spread the word and offer this great opportunity to anyone, anywhere in the world.
bugu44 - Spain
Guaranteed Sales
I've made 6 Guaranteed Sales and I'm thrilled. As promised, every commission has been paid out on my account within the promised 7 working days. I can only recommend everyone to take advantage of this opportunity while it still exists!! Just awesome !!
buffalo - Switzerland