
Site Under Maintenance - Varied Unscheduled Times/Days Share This

Site Under Maintenance - Varied Unscheduled Times/Days.

Unscheduled offline time should be expected due to ongoing updates and maintenance.

Shorter periods will not be notified. Longer periods will be met with a holding page notification.

After a period of offline status, you should delete cache and restart your device if you experience login issues on the login page.


Site Under Maintenance Mode Weds 2nd August 2023 Share This

Site Under Maintenance Mode Weds 2nd August 2023

Date: Wednesday 2nd August 2023
Offline Start Time: Approximately 5:00 PM
Completion Time: Expected completion by 12:00 AM

Times are GMT

Reason: Update of site software, new components, new features, Check Mate, testing new features in live environment before release to general membership usage.



Publishing Adverts AI Check Mate Share This

Publishing Adverts AI Check Mate 

In Phase 1, all orders for advertising were ordered as Standard Adverts with GTS service reserved and subject to terms and conditions of Advertiser Terms. Orders were for Standard Adverts with GTS service reserved and the reservation subject to your business and advert complying with free upgrade to GTS service terms. Advertisers could upgrade to GTS service for free also subject to Advertiser Terms or use the advert as easy to use Standard Advert. From 15th July 2023 all adverts will remain Standard Adverts until Check Mate AI has checked Standard Adverts to comply with the free upgrade to GTS service. Currently, you can create this advert as a Standard Advert in step 2 and 3 and publish it, however cannot add step 4 until Check Mate has checked your Standard Advert complies with GTS service terms and invites you to upgrade to GTS service for free. If your advert does not comply, Check Mate will notify you and virtually assist, advising what to change to get it through compliance and add step 4 (add GTS service) for free under the terms and conditions of contract of Advertiser Agreement. By upgrading for free to a GTS service means you will share your business's profit with us at the rate of 34% of the profit. This 34% profit is shared under the terms of Advertiser Agreement and is called Profit Share. Adverts that do not comply remain Standard as ordered until Advertiser edits step 2 and 3 to comply and Check Mate upgrades to GTS service.

15th July 2023 - process activated.


Your Secret Code - What Is It? Share This

Your Secret Code - What Is It?

  • It is not emailed to you.
  • It does not expire.
  • Only you know it as you created it.

If you are asked for your 'SECRET CODE' it does not mean an email code. Email codes are OTC codes sent for one use at a point of a secure transaction which asks you to collect the OTC from an email and enter it. When you are asked for your 'SECRET' code, we do not email this to you as it is not an OTC. Secret Code refers to a secret number you set up for your account when joining (mandatory). 

You will not be asked for your secret code unless there has been unusual activity on your account OR you are changing KYC, accessing your wallet or making a withdrawal of commission/earnings to an external resource. Secret code is 6 numbers. Secret code is 'YOUR' secret code set up by you and private (SECRET) to your account.

Some members are asked to enter their SECRET CODE during log in. This is due to the level of account sharing by members whereby members log in to each other's account. The secret code entry point at the last stage of login contains an AI component that queries across the 5B property to later engage (BAN) with members that log in to other member's accounts.

If you are an Advertiser maintaining another 'ADVERTISER' account, this is not permitted until Adagents is launched where you will be able to gain access to unlimited Advertiser accounts on bilateral permission based access via your own back office.

Blocked accounts and recovering accounts are NEVER asked for this SECRET CODE and only way to recover is by using the recovery feature on login page.

See previous news posts for more information about Adagents training and launch.  

Losing your private 'SECRET CODE' will stop you from entering sensitive zones of this property to include wallet, KYC and can prevent you from logging in period. Resetting your SECURITY CODE after losing it is a lengthy manual process started with contacting support.  


Compliance Checks - GTS service Step 4 Share This

Compliance Checks - GTS service Step 4

Every Standard Advert that has been upgraded for free to a GTS service (under contract terms) must meet Step 4's simple criteria however many Advertisers are failing to complete it correctly. Failure to comply will result in your GTS service being downgraded back to a Standard Advert. This type of downgrade is not allowed to upgrade to GTS service again. To correct your GTS service before compliance downgrade, go to step 2 and select edit advert and then click step 4 to edit step 4.

Price = Price of the one (1) product or service. If the price changes, then it needs to be updated on Step 4 within 7 days of change. This price must be seen alongside the one item being promoted that your advert lands on when clicked. It must show a checkout or add to cart button or join if a membership is being sold. Only one (1) item can be linked to. You cannot link to a store front or a shop where the visitor needs to find the item; it must be a dedicated information page with no upsell, side sell, switch sale, lead capture or any other funnel or distraction tactic to interfere with the sales process. See contract term 2

Net Profit = Commission you earn from the sale of the one (1) item. No targets permitted (sell 3 to get paid). Only sell/join one item with no terms to delay or invalidate commission payment to ensure Profit Share is paid to 5B for each sale. Net profit cannot be more than or same as the price. Net profit must be provable on request as per contract. See contract term 2

Description = Step 4 descriptions must be completed to be read by the actual visitor, not the company. It must describe only the 1 product you are selling. It must not promote or mention or describe any other product or service to include upsell, side sell or switch sell. See term 2J which stipulates and advises Advertisers to ONLY describe the (1) product being promoted and sold as the transaction the GTS is selling. Company can refuse to provide free GTS service to Advertiser at any time if GTS service step four (4) was incorrectly completed by Advertiser. GTS service only sells one (1) product or service. Step four (4) must be completed honestly, correctly and exactly describing the one (1) product/service being sold by the GTS service to include; name, brand, format (e.g. powder/tablets) benefits; ingredients; description; size or volume; delivery; use; purpose;  guarantees; promises; advice; advisory; special offer/s, trials, how to buy; results etc., and the price and commission/net profit in the price and profit fields. If subscription model, detail; length, frequency, amount, currency ticker and cancelation term. If the Advertiser does not singularly describe the one (1) product/service being promoted by the GTS service, Company will cancel/terminate Advertiser under Clause 12 if within thirty (30) days after payment. However, after thirty (30) days of payment, Company will not refund any such funds. For clarity, Company shall be entitled to remove GTS service by downgrading to the original Standard Advert and allow it to run for twelve (12) months or cease Advertiser Content, retain the payment and will not refund any such funds in the event of such breach by Advertiser. See terms


Free Upgrade for Standard Adverts to GTS service - Compliance AI Check Mate Share This

Free Upgrade for Standard Adverts to GTS service - Compliance AI Check Mate

Phase 2 compliance will be automated by AI.

As a new feature, the whole process of compliance will be automatically done by 5B at the step 4 free upgrade from Standard Advert to GTS service. AI 'check mate' has been integrated into the back office to approve or reject with reason before the Standard Advert is upgraded for free. AI 'check mate' will operate in step 4 as the free upgrade is being done from Standard Advert to GTS service. Advertiser can automatically submit the Standard Advert for free upgrade and 'check mate' will approve or reject the upgrade within 5 minutes. If rejected, 'check mate' will tell Advertiser why and how to correct the problem. Check mate can be used unlimited times with no compliance fees contrary to the news post prior to this -

 A version of check mate will also be available to anyone to check their business is compliant prior to ordering a Standard Advert.

This is a sample of new features and software to come, there is much more.



GTS service (Guaranteed Sales service) Penalties Share This

GTS service (Guaranteed Sales service) Penalties

You have bought a Standard Advert and then upgraded the Standard Advert to a Guaranteed Sales for free.

When you ordered the Standard Advert, you agreed to the Advertiser Terms before paying.

To upgrade your Standard Advert free to a GTS service, you once again agreed to the Advertiser Terms for GTS service which is a two-way business contract.

If your GTS service fails compliance for breach of contract, at any time, your GTS service will be downgraded back to your original Standard Advert for your use. This can be done with or WITHOUT notice.

Your downgraded Standard Advert can be used for its original use.

Compliance will be reaching out to Advertisers in phase 2 to offer a new free upgrade to some Advertisers for downgraded adverts providing the breach of contract was not sinister.

This reach out process will match the new phase 2's format of publishing a GTS service which will flow like this:

Standard Advert published

If GTS service has been reserved, compliance will check the Standard Advert, the linked target, the business's compliance, commission, Profit Share compliance and then either fail it or pass it.

The first compliance check will be included in the price of Standard Advert and the upgrade to GTS service will remain free.

If fail, the Advertiser will pay $75.00 for compliance to check again and for each compliance check after the first. This has been revised in the next post. AI 'check mate' will operate in step 4 as the free upgrade is being done from Standard Advert to GTS service. Revision means Advertiser can automatically submit the Standard Advert for free upgrade and 'check mate' will approve or reject the upgrade within 5 minutes. If rejected, 'check mate' will tell Advertiser why and how to correct the problem. Check mate can be used unlimited times with no compliance fees. A version of check mate will also be available to anyone to check their business is compliant prior to ordering a Standard Advert.  

On pass, the GTS service will continue to delivery under the Advertiser Terms.

Advertiser Terms are in your Advertiser's back office. Navigate to dashboard scroll to top. Hover MY ADVERTS and scroll and select ADVERTISER TERMS.



GTS service Language v Targeting Share This

GTS service Language v Targeting

If your GTS service has been written in a language that does not make it capable of 'full and effective' distribution to the targeted audience you have set up and contracted to in Step 3 of the Advert Wizard software, your GTS service will fail compliance. If your step 4 is written in a language that does not match your product/service distribution targeted audience, it will fail compliance.

As a few examples:

Writing your advert in German and setting target audience countries to German speaking not only makes complete sense, it also passes compliance.

Writing your advert in German and setting target audience countries to Worldwide is not compliant due to the incorrect targeting which is a waste of resources. Setting your advert's geographical distribution wider than the language of the advert is not only illogical, it also fails compliance and will be reset or downgraded back to the Standard Advert.

Writing your advert in French and setting target audience to Spain is a complete waste of resources. Setting your advert's geographical distribution to a list or one country that does not speak the advert's language will cause a failure at the most basic test of compliance.

If you have selected Worldwide, then the advert language should be English.

If your GTS service is in Spanish, please set the targeting to Spanish speaking countries only. 

If your GTS service delivers a product/service to the world digitally or otherwise and you write your advert copy in German, French, Italian etc, then you must restrict targeting to the language not deliverability. If your advert is written in German and you can deliver worldwide, your targeting must remain language restricted to only German speaking target countries and if not, your GTS service will fail compliance and get reset or downgraded back to the Standard Advert.

Rule of thumb - write your ad copy and or step 4 in any other language than English means you must restrict distribution of the target audience to just that language speaking countries. 


GTS service WarriorPlus Redirects Not Allowed Share This

GTS service WarriorPlus Redirects Not Allowed

Redirect URL, hop links, 3rd party URL, Short link URL and any other URL except one that lands visitors on the web site directly without passing through an intercept, redirect, cookie bot or similar has not been allowed from day one.

In June, we reminded everyone that all web pages being promoted by a GTS service needed to be GDPR compliant and privacy policy compliant and Advertiser Terms has insisted upon this.

Redirects allow the redirecting 'redirect' to dump cookies without permission on every visitor's device as they pass through the redirecting URL. In affect, each visitor flash visits the redirections' website before being redirected. However, the visitor does not get the opportunity to choose their privacy before the flash visit secretly loads tracking cookies without consent. Additionally the visitor does not see privacy or know what information is being collected, stored and used. An example of this type of redirect is WarriorPlus who do exactly as stated above. 

Depending on your GTS service's targeting using a WarriorPlus redirect also can make your GTS non compliant for GDPR and privacy policy.  If your GTS targeting included countries like the UK, the whole of Europe or any country in Europe for example, then your GTS instantly became non compliant for GDPR and Privacy Policy compliance requirements and breached the Advertiser Terms. Why? Because WarriorPlus is a redirect. All visitors visit their site first before being redirected. On visit WarriorPlus installs cookies without permission and privacy policy on every device visiting from the UK and European country which is illegal.

Hop links of course are redirect links as they land on a WarriorPlus page to load cookies without permission before hopping to the affiliate program page. Hop links are another name for redirect.

To use WarriorPlus affiliate programs in your GTS service, you must request a direct link from the landing page after redirect which will avoid the loading of cookies without permission. Then you would need to check the affiliate program has the following compliant features:

  1. GDPR cookie selector popup
  2. GDPR compliant privacy policy

If it does not, then avoid compliance requirements by adjusting targeting to USA only minus California and minus Virginia. To do this you would need to add the remaining states one by one to your targeting. Now your WarriorPlus affiliate program is compliant as your GTS service is not responsible for any further GDPR or Privacy requirements when visitors leave the affiliate program page and checkout via the WarriorPlus checkout page. The entity that is responsible for this problem is the affiliate program and WarriorPlus.

Be aware that GDPR and Privacy always favors the visitor, not the business and therefore needs to be compliant with the visitor's home laws. To avoid issues with GDPR exclude visitors from certain countries and states.


Test Your GTS service for Compliance p1 Share This

Test Your GTS service for Compliance p1

1.1 Does your URL redirect?

If the URL used in a GTS service does not contain the domain name of the page it opens, for example (a) GTS URL is https// opens web page https// makes the GTS not compliant. Check the domain name in your GTS is included in the page that opens. If not, you’ll need to change your GTS service before compliance reject it. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

2.1 Is your URL correct?

If the URL opens a page that is a 404, dead link, redirect on land, red herring page, rotator, clickbait, not found or any other page that does not sell the 1 product/service you have described in step 4, makes the GTS not compliant. Check your URL opens a page displaying your 1 product/service and there is a button to add it to cart/checkout or join instantly. Do not land in the cart. Do not land on login page. Do not land on home page unless home only displays the 1 product/service and button. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

3.1 Does your URL land correctly?

When the URL is clicked, if it opens a form or page that requires to be completed with any details before the visitor can proceed to the transaction, makes the GTS not compliant. If the visitor is distracted or delayed by any other pop-up requirement except cookie permission, makes the GTS not compliant. If the main point of the land page is to move or send the visitor to another page in or out of the URL original domain other than a checkout page/cart, makes the GTS not compliant. If the land page is a webinar, video, or other media or a page without a buy now, add to cart, checkout, join now link to complete the transaction described on step 4, makes the GTS not compliant. If the land page is predominantly links out to other products/services, makes the GTS not compliant. Check your URL lands on a page dedicated or predominantly showing the 1 product/service you have described in Step 4. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

4.1 Is your URL privacy and GDPR compliant?

When URL is clicked, the page that opens must have a privacy link clearly linked from the page in clear sight and not hard to see. The page must be privacy compliant with your targeted audience for example if your GTS targets Europe then the privacy policy must provide the level of privacy required for European visitors. Privacy has nothing to do with where the business is located or hosted, it is all about who can join/buy from the business/page. If you target Europe then the site's privacy must match the data law of the EU. If you target Australia, then it must protect Australian visitors and if both, both must be protected. GDPR is the same as privacy. Cookie permission is the same as privacy. If in doubt, target each state of the USA except Virginia and California. To change targeting, go to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

5.1 Is your URL targeting compliant?

If your business does not sell, deliver or sign-up Americans, you must not target the USA. If your business only caters to German, French and British, do not target Worldwide. If your business only sells in Canada, do not set the GTS to target any other countries. If you set targeting to more countries than your business distributes to, it will not pass compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

6.1 Is the URL owner compliant?

If the URL in your GTS is registered with an affiliate program in someone else’s name it will fail compliance. If the affiliate link in your GTS is not yours, it will definitely fail compliance. If you own the business and you are not the registered owner of the domain name, it will fail compliance. If you are not the legal owner, you must change the URL. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

7.1 Is the URL Step 4 compliant?

If you have not described the 1 product/service in step 4 description, it will fail compliance. If step 4 describes more than one product or service it will fail compliance. If step 4 describes your business or generic service/s or products or a brand or range instead of 1 product/service it will fail compliance. If there are 3 packages of the product or service for example 1, 2 and 3 bottles, step4 must identify the number of bottles, its contents, the USP, what it does, size and how the buyer benefits from the bottle. If more than 1 plan is available, identify the one you are selling and name it and describe what it does etc. The price of the product/service must identify the 1 product/service on the land page. The net profit/commission must be how much you get paid for selling the identified product/service. If your step 4 is different to this, it will fail compliance. We rely on you to accurately, clearly and honestly describe the 1 product/service in step 4 to enable our AI and systems to locate it and use its description to create a sales process to sell the product/service. If you have not, it needs to be changed. To change step 4, you go to step 2, edit and then click edit guarantee.

8.1 Is the URL gender compliant?

If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to females, do not select male or both and vice versa. Do not target other genders for upsells, cross sells, click baiting, switch sells, future sales. Your gender targeting must be exact for the 1 product/service described in step 4. If gender targeting is incorrect, it will fail compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

9.1 Is the URL age compliant?

If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to 45-60 years old like a medical plan, do not target under 45 or over 65 as it is not compliant. Do not target other ages for upsells, cross sells, click baiting, switch sells or future sales. Your age targeting must be exact match for the 1 product/service described in step 4. If age targeting is incorrect, it will fail compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

10.1 Is your advert compliant?

The advert's wording in headline and body fields must relate to the 1 product/service being sold in the GTS service step 4. It must not click bait or advertise another product/service or the company/supplier. The images loaded to the advert must be relevant to the 1 product/service. Images are optional. If the advert does not promote the 1 product/service that is described in detail in step 4 and priced in step 4, the GTS service will not be compliant. To change the advert’s headline, body and image, go to step 2, edit, edit content.

11.1 Is your affiliate program compliant?

If you are linking your URL to an affiliate program of any type or own your own affiliate program and offer it to others to include yourself, the affiliate program must publish terms and conditions of the program and a commission tariff publicly on the website listing the commission values, types, structure, when paid, refund policy, how paid, permitted countries of operation and exclusions to include age restriction.  

If we have further advice/tips on compliance it will be posted in a news post p2. If not, we will not post p2.