
Why is 5B Compliance So Strict About People's Privacy? Share This

Why Does 5B Care So Much About People's Privacy?

See the Digistore news post and then return here to read the following information:

  • You have a redirect URL in your GTS service.
  • Your GTS service advert is published in our browser network.
  • The advert targets 'people' who use our browser that match the audience you have set-up in the advert Wizard.
  • Our browser user sees your advert, clicks it while using our browser and has a secret illegal tracking cookie installed on their device without them knowing or permission. 
  • The illegal cookie starts sending data packages over the Internet without the knowledge or permission of 'our browser user' however sharing their personal data that should not be shared.
  • The 'browser user' is your possible customer, future asset and 5B browser user. You and 5B have become parties to breaching their privacy.
  • This will not end well.
  • Your business will earn a commission while the browser user's privacy is breached and 5B will earn 34% of your profit while the browser user has had their privacy breached.
  • This will not end well.
  • Visitors to your GTS are our browser users and we are responsible for them and their data security directly after they click your advert

We will not permit our 'in browser' GTS service Advertisers to jeopardize the safety and privacy of our browser users to earn 34% of your profit. We are better than this. We will not be a party to this type of activity.

Our compliance is strict to protect people like you, and not to make our browser users data mules or victims of data theft.



GTS service Digistore Redirects Not Allowed Share This

GTS service Digistore Redirects Not Allowed

Redirect URL, 3rd party URL, Short link URL and any other URL except one that lands visitors on the web site directly without passing through an intercept, redirect, cookie bot or similar has not been allowed from day one.

In June, we reminded everyone that all web pages being promoted by a GTS service needed to be GDPR compliant and privacy policy compliant and Advertiser Terms has insisted upon this.

Redirects allow the redirecting 'redirect' to dump cookies without permission on every visitor's device as they pass through the redirecting URL. In affect, each visitor flash visits the redirections' website before being redirected. However, the visitor does not get the opportunity to choose their privacy before the flash visit secretly loads tracking cookies without consent. Additionally the visitor does not see privacy or know what information is being collected, stored and used. An example of this type of redirect is Digistore who do exactly as stated above. 

Depending on your GTS service's targeting using a Digistore redirect also can make your GTS non compliant for GDPR and privacy policy.  If your GTS targeting included countries like the UK, the whole of Europe or any country in Europe for example, then your GTS instantly became non compliant for GDPR and Privacy Policy compliance requirements and breached the Advertiser Terms. Why? Because Digistore is a redirect. All visitors visit their site first before being redirected. On visit Digistore installs cookies without permission and privacy policy on every device visiting from the UK and European country which is illegal.

To use Digistore affiliate programs in your GTS service, you must request a direct link from the landing page after redirect which will avoid the loading of cookies without permission. Then you would need to check the affiliate program has the following compliant features:

  1. GDPR cookie selector popup
  2. GDPR compliant privacy policy

If it does not, then avoid compliance requirements by adjusting targeting to USA only minus California and minus Virginia. To do this you would need to add the remaining states one by one to your targeting. Now your Digistore affiliate program is compliant as your GTS service is not responsible for any further GDPR or Privacy requirements when visitors leave the affiliate program page and checkout via Digistore's checkout page. The entity that is responsible for this problem is the affiliate program and Digistore.

Be aware that GDPR and Privacy always favors the visitor, not the business and therefore needs to be compliant with the visitor's home laws. To avoid issues with GDPR exclude visitors from certain countries and states.


Standard Advert Update Share This

Standard Advert Update

We stopped selling advertising on August 1st 2022.

We sold advertising only. Advertisers bought Standard Adverts just like Google adverts. All adverts bought directly from us are Standard Adverts and subject to Advertiser Terms (subject to terms) upon order and payment. Advertisers are allowed to upgrade their Standard Adverts to GTS service on Step 4 of the advert creation Wizard. The upgrade from Standard Advert to GTS Service is free however, Advertiser must agree for the second time, to our terms of agreement (Advertiser Terms) to upgrade to GTS service for free. GTS service is a business to business partnership not a one-way service. Advertisers must provide a business model that is legal, legitimate and lawful in the countries being targeted by their GTS service. Advertisers must be able to manage their own business, know their own business and be fully transparent when linking their GTS service to their business. Their business must be associated with their 5B account name and address. Advertisers must know how much products and services of their business sell for and the commission or net profit they earn for the sale.  Advertisers must know the marketplace for the product or service they are selling and target only that marketplace to country, age, gender to match the business model they are promoting/linked to from the GTS service. GTS services must be set up to promote compliant businesses and/or make their GTS service compliant if the business is not by restricting targeted countries and states of USA to achieve compliance.

  • GTS service can be downgraded to Standard Advert by compliance if a breach of contract occurs which could interfere with generation of profit and affect Profit Share of 34%.
  • Advertisers can opt to not upgrade their Standard Advert to GTS service and remain standard.
  • Advertisers can self-downgrade their GTS service in the Advertiser back-office to avoid the rules and compliance that govern the use of and associated with GTS service.

Standard Adverts act like Google Ads. There are no rules except you cannot link to illegal, illicit or content for example (logical); drugs, self-harm, hate, porn, abuse, firearms, weapons, child abuse, etc.

Content of Standard Adverts can be changed any time and the URL to target can be changed too.

Standard Adverts can be used to promote any online or offline thing whether it generates profit or not. There are no rules, you can sell, sign-up, rent, send visitors to a restaurant, event, shop... Anything.

To get the best from your Standard Advert (SA), you must optimize it to help the AI system that is looking at your advert content and website just like SEO and Google Ads.

Advertisers must update their Standard Adverts (SA) with changes as they happen on their target site/location.

SA have a life of 12 months or 1 million visitors and 5B will repeat or extend to achieve the target of 1 million visitors.

Adding keywords to step 3 of the advert wizard is essential. If you have not added keywords and optimized your advert with text descriptions in step 3, this will adversely affect how soon your SA starts to get seen by the audience you've targeted the advert to, it will delay and slow down initial and future content crawls by AI and slow the demographic building. 

Add keywords, watch the results, change keywords and monitor.

From 21/1/23, you will get monthly notices from now to inform you of underperforming content of your advert which should be updated according to AI feedback. The notifications will also inform you when to stop changing your advert.

Note: By changing the URL of your SA will slow down/start the building process of the targeted keyword visitors for your advert. The more times you change the SA URL, the longer the advert will take to perform. 


  • Add keywords
  • Target your advert's image to what you are promoting
  • Make a detailed description in step 3 about the business and what is being transacted
  • Select the correct objectives
  • Narrow target audience to achieve refined visitors from countries and languages.
  • Narrow and remove redundant ages from age settings.
  • Narrow the gender for the advert if only suited to one.
  • Use advanced targeting of audience to refine your reach to only people that match your requirements.
  • If you select worldwide, expect non English speaking visitors as a majority as generally there are more in the audience. Refine audience to better your results.


f you are experiencing low numbers, please revise your advert, reducing the description to be less descriptive about other things other things and more on point about what you are promoting. Remove fluffy words and description and use keywords especially from the meta tags and description of the target website that is above the keyword inserter tool. Keywords are words or phrases that are used to match your ads with the terms that people are searching for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advert can help you reach the customers that you want, when you want. Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your ad can appear. The keywords that you choose are used to show your ads to people. Select high-quality, relevant keywords for your ad campaign to help you reach only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers. When someone searches on Google, your ad could be tagged to appear in the browser based on the similarity of your keywords to the person's search terms. Keywords are also used to match your ad to users in the Browser Network that are related to your keywords and ads. A great keyword list can help improve the performance of your ads and help you to avoid higher prices. Poor keywords can ultimately cause you to have higher prices and lower ad position. You can add match types to your keywords to help control which searches your ad can be matched with.


Standard Advert Update Share This

GTS Product/Service Price Currency Options Share This

GTS service Upgrade - Product/Service Price

The price upgrade to Step 4 of GTS service has been installed.

When upgrading for free from a Standard Advert to a GTS service, you can now select the price of a service/product in most currencies as well as $USD.

This is retrofit so GTS services that were published before upgrade will have the ability to be updated and priced in your selected currency to prevent currency fluctuations after alteration. 



GTS service Upgrade - Product/Service Price Share This

GTS service Upgrade - Product/Service Price

Some upgrades are happening at GTS service.

Shortly, you will see an upgrade to Step 4 of GTS service, where you can upgrade your Standard Advert for free to a GTS service, which will enable Advertisers to select the price of a service/product in most currencies as well as $USD.

When the upgrade has been implemented and tested we will post here in news posts.

Upgrade will be retrofit so GTS services that were published before upgrade will have the ability to be updated and priced in your selected currency to prevent currency fluctuations after alteration. 

After testing and installation, we will alert you in news posts.


Sell Data On Boarding - Next Step When? Share This

Sell Data On Boarding - Next Step When?

As users on board to Sell Data, we are checking, storing and priming their accounts for Sell Data until the new 5Brow$er is released.

We will keep you up to date here, in news posts.



GTS service Downgrades to Standard Advert Share This

GTS service Downgrades to Standard Advert

If you have had a GTS service downgraded to Standard Advert please note this:

A. Connect your Standard Advert to a GTS service compliant business web site using the below rules.

B. If your Standard Advert is setup correctly, compliance will take you to the next step in their own time.

C. Compliance will reach out to you by notification to upgrade for free for the 2nd time to GTS service depending on the level of breach of Advertiser Agreement. 

D. Compliance will ask you to complete the step 4 upgrade for free again. 

E. Compliance will check and permit your upgrade.

The rules for a GTS service:

You need to buy a Standard Advert to upgrade to GTS service for free. You do not order or pay for GTS service. GTS service must be set up correctly and if not, it can be penalized by downgrading back to the original paid for Standard Advert and blocked from upgrading again. GTS Service can only promote and sell 1 product/service. If your advert promotes other products/services and/or your Step 4 does not describe the 1 product/service only, it is wrong. You are required to complete the Standard Advert correctly when upgrading it to GTS service. Failures that will penalize your GTS service include, but not limited to:

  1. Country Targeting - If your business can only sell to clients from USA, do not set targeting for other countries.  If your business does not sell to some countries, do not set targeting to worldwide. ONLY select countries your business sells to. Your business must be compliant with all targeted country's privacy and GDPR and if not, must be excluded. 
  2. Gender - If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to females, do not select male or both and vice versa. It is ONLY the one product that will be promoted and sold. Only target buyers for the 1 product/service. 
  3. Age - If your 1 product/service is for example; a medical plan for people 45-60 years old, do not target clients under 45 or over 60.
  4. Audience - If you can only sell the 1 product/service to clients in the USA that are female between the ages of 45-60, you are required to match the Standard Advert's targeting exactly to match the business.
  5. URL - Must be an official URL from the business that is not shortened or drop 3rd party cookies not covered by privacy policy. Cannot be a 3rd party short link. URL must land on the one product/service page with a checkout/transaction option. It cannot link to a webinar, video, form, lead capture, page of links, survey or anything distracting that prevents the client paying/joining. URL cannot be a home page. URL cannot be owned by someone else. Target website must be compliant with privacy and GDPR of all GTS service targeted countries/states.
  6. Advert - The advert's wording in headline and body fields must relate to the 1 product/service being sold in the GTS service. It must not advertise another product/service or the company/supplier. Advert cannot be someone else's advert. The images loaded to the advert must be relevant to the 1 product/service.
  7. Business - The affiliate link or business must belong to you. If affiliate link, when clicked must show your registered name with 5B and/or show your correct full legal name and GTS service URL in the affiliate business back office.
  8. Step 4 - This page must be completed using words that describe the 1 product/service you want to sell. It must not describe the company, its activities or other products/services. If it is a health plan, it must detail the health plan only being sold and what it does. If it is three bottles of tablets, it must describe the 3 bottle package and what it does, not another number of bottles etc.
  9. Price - Must be the price of the product/service so, if three bottles, it will be the three bottle price. Price cannot be an estimate or average. You need to choose one product/service and describe, and price it. Change to price must be updated in Step 4.
  10. Net Profit - Must be the commission you are paid for selling the product/service described and priced in (8) and (9). Cannot be an average. Cannot change or fluctuate. If net profit changes by slightest amount, it must be updated on Step 4. 


On Boarding Sell Data from Recovery (LIVE) Share This

On Boarding Early LIVE

Just went live see


Sell Data On Boarding Share This

Sell Data On Boarding

Sell Data On Boarding Early - On boarding has been moved up to today.

Recovering users that have submitted KYC already will be able to onboard from 18.00 today.

To onboard go to login and use the normal recovery code to get access to onboarding.

