
On Boarding of People in Recovery Share This

On or Before 15th Jan - On boarding

People waiting for KYC in recovery steps are going to be allowed to on board initially to Sell Data in readiness for future full recovery.

We have experienced a huge number of fake Sell Data users, and it has totally altered how we check and authenticate Sell Data Users in the future. 

Fake rate is very high for Sell Data users who joined before August 2022.

Fake rate for onboarding recovery accounts is very high. Not a lot has changed!

If you passed recovery steps to KYC, then try recovery after Jan 15th as you should be able to pre-register with Sell Data.


The 5Brow$er App Share This

Old Extension Updates to Merge with New 5Brow$er App Release

Users of the current Android/Chrome/Firefox 5B extension will notice big changes in how we distribute adverts to targets. Updates have not been released on Apple devices yet.

These changes/upgrades, when tested will be merged to the new 5B Brow$er in the near future.

Pocket has been built and already integrated with the 5B wallet. The 5Brow$er is more complicated and we are still getting technical issues with the integration of Pocket and experiencing challenging compliance issues.

The 5B extension is being fed updated code and improved weekly and all the updates will be mirrored in the 5Brow$er on its launch TBC.

Updated versions of extension are not available or fed to Apple devices until a stable Android has been finalized.

You will be kept updated in news posts.

Illegal Adverts Share This

Illegal Adverts On the 5B Ad Network

Since we increased our Advertising Network's reach in the last couple of weeks as we are busy building, we have experienced an unexpected number of problems with sites being promoted and their viewing legality.

If your advert is or could be targeting countries that you should not be doing due to the nature/content of the promoted page/site, type of business or legal terms of business, delivery or terms; you must stop them from doing so immediately to avoid problems.

If you have a contract plan already, please check it for audience targeting.

If you have not got a contract plan yet, go to Step 2 and select the advert and click view > content and check the countries and ages are correct.

If you are targeting young or older people, make sure the business you are promoting is suited to the age and also what you are selling is targeted correctly to match your services and people seeing the advert can buy.

Some businesses stipulate/limit age ranges of customers they accept, please make sure your advert is correctly targeted to the permitted ages, gender and location.

The business you are promoting must be legal for all countries, ages targeted and privacy.

Please check your adverts. This applies to Standard Adverts and GTS service.

GTS Service Compliance Update Share This

GTS Service Compliance Update

  • Standard Adverts are paid for service.
  • Standard Adverts can be upgraded to a Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service for free.
  • Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service is a contractual service.
  • The contractual service contractually, instantly and irrevocably binds the Advertiser, and the Advertiser alone, to use the free GTS Service subject to them digitally signing three (3) contracts of Agreement.
  • Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service contracts are digitally signed by the Advertiser in their own name and cannot be changed to another name.
  • Adverts and/or Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service are not transferable by name or Advertiser account.
  • Standard Adverts can be used to promote anything. 
  • Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service are restricted to only products and services, that when sold, generate profit and that profit must be shared with 5B under contract at the fixed mandatory rate of 34%.
  • Advertisers that own Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service as upgraded free from a Standard Advert, are the ultimate and sole owner of the GTS Service and cannot assign the use 'nor ownership 'nor responsibility of said contractual Agreement between the Advertiser and Company (5B).
  • Advertisers, under Agreement, cannot sub-contract Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service to another entity without exception. 
  • If an Advertiser has Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service in their account and the URL in that GTS Service does not belong to them 'by exact 5B profile name and address' under KYC in their wallet, it is a breach of Agreement.
  • If Advertisers have Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service contracts for a URL they do not own as per Agreement, they must be changed immediately.

5B is experiencing a lot of Advertisers who do not understand the Agreement and many that do not care about the Agreement. If you have a Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service and the URL belongs to your wife, husband, cousin, grandfather, grandmother, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, friend, partner, a company name, sponsor or anyone else, then it will be deleted by compliance and your account closed.

This is non-negotiable. Exemption link #3/#4.

We have sent Advertisers a compliance ticket already asking for concrete proof they own the URL of each Guaranteed Sales & Signups/GTS Service contract in their Advertiser account. Sadly, the responses to this ticket have been the following:

  • I added proofs as requested, but closed the ticket after - These need to be redone.
  • I cannot get proof - Proof needs to be provided.
  • Handwritten notes promising us they own the URL - Not valid.
  • Handwritten notes promising us their wife will pay us - Not valid.
  • URLS that are owned by children with promissory notes - Delete your childs account.
  • Proofs in a company name - Not valid.
  • Proof in wife's name - Not valid.

And many more configurations of the above... Which are not acceptable. Advertiser name and address is only valid option.

The number of proofs of ownership that are failing compliance is high and so is the number of Advertisers who do not upload proofs. 

Compliance will be responding with requests and instructions via the same ticket. Please do not close the ticket for any reason.

We may choose to send a new ticket and delete old to a range of Advertisers. If compliance send you a new ticket, it will delete the old ticket automatically. You will see the new ticket in your advert back office tickets area.

Sell Data On Boarding - SDP Approvals Share This

Sell Data Profile Approvals

If you have on boarded to Sell Data recently by completing the mandatory Sell Data Profile (SDP), please check your affiliate messages and email inbox for approval notification from tomorrow 23/11/22.

Users who have been accepted or rejected will get a notification informing them of what comes next and what to do.


All Users Must Be Over 18 Years Old Share This

Sell Data, Refer $ Earn & Advertisers

All users of this platform must be over the age of 18 and be able to independently KYC their accounts.

No KYC, no join.

This will limit the ability of cheats and future issues.

Sell Data = 18+ ONLY with KYC.

This will make it a safer platform for people.

KYC Proof of Addresses Must be Dated Within 3 Months Share This

KYC Proof of Addresses Must be Dated Within 3 Months

After January 21st 2023, you will be able to upload a dated proof of address like an energy bill and set reminders to upload a new one each 3 months. This feature will keep your KYC rolling without the fear of the proof of address expiring and your KYC being rejected when your status is rechecked.

Currently, user status is rechecked when you visit your wallet, check KYC, visit your profile, check commission and more... 

Currently, if your proof of address has expired the 3 months, your KYC will get rejected and a new proof added which can take some time. After January 21st, you will be able to add a new proof of address before the old one expires so KYC will just flip to the new proof instead of getting rejected.

Refer $ Earn On Boarding to Resume Soon Share This

Refer $ Earn On Boarding to Resume Soon

Registrations for new users was restricted due to ongoing upgrade of new user KYC and changes in the structure of the network to improve it for new upcoming service plugins that will enable easy add-on of new services as they are released to the network.

It will also allow easy network restructures with snap off/on capability. 

You will be updated here when the network is ready for new users. 

Sell Data Notifications for SDP Approval Share This

Sell Data Notifications

People who have had their SDP checked and approved for on boarding will be contacted by notification in the next 7 days. Notifications will be sent to your affiliate back office messages. Additionally, after approval, the Sell Data UI will be updated with approval to show you have had your SDP approved. 

You should keep your SDP up to date even before access to Step 2.

See here


Sell Data On Boarding Continues Share This

Sell Data On Boarding Continues

With the all new Sell Data service launch looming, don't forget to on board yourself as soon as possible.

We are currently reviewing user Sell Data Profiles (SDP) to ensure that we can include the demographics for partnerships.

We may ask you to pop along again soon just to add some data to enhance your SDP to make partnerships more valuable.

We will notify users along the way.