
Sell Data On Boarding - SDP Approvals Share This

Sell Data Profile Approvals

If you have on boarded to Sell Data recently by completing the mandatory Sell Data Profile (SDP), please check your affiliate messages and email inbox for approval notification from tomorrow 23/11/22.

Users who have been accepted or rejected will get a notification informing them of what comes next and what to do.


Maintenance Mode Share This

Maintenance mode will begin on 5th October 2024, 23:00 GMT approximately.

Limited access during maintenance mode


Rejected Free Upgrade By Check Mate & Expired Ads Share This

Rejected Free Upgrade By Check Mate & Expired Ads

If your Standard Advert gets rejected for any reason covered in the terms of advertiser term 2, you will need to read the notification from CMAI and fix your advert's landing page and advert link.

If the problem is not fixable by fixing the landing page, then edit your advert in step 2 and save all changes in Step 3 and republish the new advert.




Editing can only take place if your Standard Advert has not expired. If expired, the Standard Advert has achieved it's intended target and ended. If not expired, you may edit in readinedd for a CM re-crawl. You will not be able to manually re-submit your advert to Check Mate like the first time. Resubmits can only be done by CM. Once you have fixed the errors in your submitted advert, CM will know it has been edited and revisit it.

Your advert is acceptable as Standard Advert so if you want to keep it as Standard then do not edit.

To fix your advert, go to step 2 and edit it.Select edit from audience as OBJECTIVE cannot be edited. Save each section of your advert and on step 3 either add/edit images or leave as text advert. Click save and publish.

CM will return to rejected advert providing it is fixed and not expired and check it once more. If the advert is suitable for upgrading, CM will send you a notification to resubmit it to CMAI.

This process is not immediate and can take time for CM to return and check.

Please read your rejection notification if rejected. If late rejected, then the advert cannot be upgraded again as it has been already once rejected due to breach of advertiser terms. Late rejected adverts will remain published as Standard until expiry.

If expired, the Standard Advert is ended.


Standard Advert Free Upgrade to GTS Service - Valid 4th February 2024 00.01AM Share This

Standard Advert Free Upgrade to GTS Service

Valid after 4th February 2024 00.01 AM

All adverts are ordered as a Standard Advert. Standard Adverts that were not published before 4th February 2024 can be published and submitted to Check Mate. Since 00.01 AM on 4th February 2024, any advert that was published as Standard or upgraded free to GTS service for free and subsequently downgraded back to Standard AND not submitted to Check Mate, can no longer be submitted for upgrade to GTS service.

See previous news posts for a detailed description of what Check Mate is and does (also known as CMAI).

To publish a Standard Advert imply got to step 2 in your Advertiser back office, select the advert from unpublished list and publish it. You cannot add step 4 Guaranteed Sales GTS service until Check Mate has checked your advert and it is compliant with terms of advertiser. You can run your advert as a Standard Advert for it's duration or submit to CMAI for a free upgrade to GTS service subject to compliance.

To submit your NEW Standard Advert to Check Mate from back office please follow instructions:

a - Click Step 2 box.

b - Select your NEW unpublished advert from list on left-column.

c - Create and publish the advert in step 3 as Standard Advert. 

d - Return to step 2 and select from published adverts in the right-column. If you do not want to upgrade for free, leave the advert to run as Standard Advert until expiry. To upgrade to GTS service for free, select edit and then click add to Check Mate AI.

e - Read the on-screen GTS service free upgrade information and accept the terms and conditions again.

f - Click the SUBMIT button.

g - Your Standard Advert will now join a queue for Check Mate AI checking.

h - You will be notified by notification when the CMAI has completed the crawl of your advert and target business.

i - If changes are required to the business and/or advert you will be notified of the changes.

j - If your advert and target are accepted into the GTS service you will be notified to complete step 4.

k - All step 4 upgrades will need to re-accept the GTS service terms of Advertising Terms as always.

If you do not want the free upgrade to GTS service, leave your Standard Advert running until it expires.

All published adverts are live status receiving views and visits as per Standard Adverts ordered.


Advert Status & Advertiser Terms of Advertising Contractual Terms Share This

Advert Status & Advertiser Terms of Advertising Contractual Terms

All adverts ordered are Standard Adverts, login and see Advertiser Terms in your Advertiser's back office: 

At time of order ONLY, Advertisers can opt to reserve GTS Service (optional and limited availability) which is a free upgrade (if available) at time of order (offer ended). Not all orders qualify for GTS Service reservation and/or upgrade.

We no longer offer GTS Service upgrades or reservations however any Standard Advert that has never been published before and/or been rejected from the free GTS Service upgrade one or more times can publish as the ordered Standard Advert and during the period of publication is able to submit an upgrade request via Check Mate. Adverts that meet the strict criteria for upgrade will be invited to upgrade free using step 4 of the upgrade process. No advert can be upgraded without pre-approval from Check Mate.

Standard Adverts that do not meet the criteria set out in the Advertiser Terms will be rejected from the GTS Service upgrade and remain Standard Adverts until expiry as per Advertiser Terms.

Standard Adverts must prove that they have a product or service that is provided by a supplier that will pay sales commission upon the sale of goods/services in a contractual time limit to the registered Advertiser whom must be affiliated (in the same registered name and KYC) with the provider and There must be track record of commission payments received and the provider must be approved by The provider's website, affiliate program and checkout must comly with and abide by the Advertiser Terms. Before free upgrade can be acheived, Standard Adverts must prove they can deliver commission value to enable 5BillionSales to earn its % profit share, get paid it quickly (and without delay) from the provider via affiliate account and distribute PSC accordingly as per Advertiser Terms in your back office - login and go to - 

Standard Adverts that are not upgraded to GTS Service have a expiry date that is set out under the Advertiser Terms. All adverts are Standard Adverts until accepted on GTS Service. Date of publication of the advert is the date of first publication.


Site Under Maintenance - Varied Unscheduled Times/Days. Share This

Site Under Maintenance - Varied Unscheduled Times/Days.

Due to upgrades for CMAI and SD relaunch.

Unscheduled offline time should be expected due to ongoing updates and maintenance.

Shorter periods will not be notified. Longer periods will be met with a holding page notification.

After a period of offline status, you should delete cache and restart your device if you experience login issues on the login page.


CheckMateAI Status Share This

CheckMateAI Status

All active Standard Advert submissions that were submitted over 30 days ago (30 days before the date of this news post) to upgrade for free from Standard Advert to GTS service have been crawled and queued for secondary crawls for the approval process before advert owners are invited to upgrade on step 4 for free. When you upgrade to GTS service, your upgrade will be subject to terms of advertising as accepted at time of order and again manually accepted on each upgrade as per normal/always on step 4's tick to accept terms of advertising and upgrade to GTS service. If you do not agree to the terms of advertising, your Standard Advert will not be upgraded and remain a Standard Advert. In the meantime, until upgrade your advert is Standard and be displayed and viewed as a Standard Advert is provided under the same advertising terms however subject to only the relative Standard Advert terms until you upgrade.

CMAI is being upgraded actively for the secondary crawls. For further information please see your advertiser notifications from CMAI.


If you have not submited your Standard Adverts yet, either do it now or your option to upgrade under this offer will expire on February 3rd 2024 and your Standard Advert expire normally on its given date. 


Standard Advert Free Upgrades to GTS Service - Check Mate Share This

Standard Advert Free Upgrades to GTS Service

Check Mate 20/11/23

If you have a Standard Advert that previously breached terms of Advertiser Agreement as published in your back office and would like to once again upgrade it to GTS service for free, please note this change pending and due to be released on 20th November 2023.

On 20th November, go to your Advertiser dashboard and do the following:

a - Click Step 2 box.

b - Publish any unpublished advert.

c - In step 2 after publishing from new or if already published, you must then select edit for the advert you want to upgrade for free to GTS service. If you do not want to upgrade leave the advert to run as Standard Advert until expiry.

d - Select edit and then click add to Check Mate AI.

e - Read the on screen GTS service free upgrade information and accept the terms and conditions again.

f - Click the SUBMIT button.

g - Your Standard Advert will now join a queue for Check Mate AI checking.

h - You will be notified by notification when the CMAI has completed the crawl of your advert and target business.

i - If changes are required to the business and/or advert you will be notified of the changes.

j - If your advert and target are accepted into the GTS service you will be notified to complete step 4.

k - All step 4 upgrades will need to re-accept the GTS service terms of Advertising Terms as always.

If you do not want the free upgrade to GTS service, leave your Standard Advert running until it expires.

All published adverts are live status receiving views and visits as per Standard Adverts ordered.


KYC Update 18th August 2023 Share This

KYC Update 18th August 2023

The new update option is being added to KYC early. It is being released today.

To prepare for this important improvement to KYC, your old proof is being archived meaning we retain it in KYC however your KYC will fail and members get a notification in their affiliate back office to replace it with a new proof of address. Then after upload of the new, it is self-serve KYC as you will be able to update all options without being asked. 

Your current proof of address has been removed from KYC and needs to be re-uploaded.

After this upload has been achieved, you will be able to update your proof every 3 months without being notified. Self service KYC will keep your account compliant.

Note: If you have changed your name/address/looks, please update your proof of ID and selfie too.

The available options for KYC for each of the 3 requirements are listed in the option drop downs to describe your proof. If the proof you are uploading is not in the drop down do not use it as it will fail. No exceptions.

All KYC is managed from your affiliate back office KYC wallet inside your wallet area.

Coming soon will be a real time KYC video and photo requirement to secure your account and wallet for future upgraded features to be released to your account. Your photo ID and address ID must sync with the geo-location the video and photo is recorded and should be done at the address of your registered account. You will also be required to verbally identify yourself for audio KYC and anti-machine input. Shared devices are not allowed. If geo-location is off or location or time stamped different from data package retrieval (actual) or edited, tampered with or any other manipulation = deleted account. 

To delete your KYC data and account, please use the link at the bottom of page - support > delete account and data. This action completely wipes all data from your account and closes it. No data is retained and means your account will be deleted forever and not recoverable under any circumstances. On deletion you will not be notified of deletion as we will no longer have your email or details to confirm.



NEW KYC Functionality COMING on 25th August 2023 Share This

NEW KYC Functionality COMING on 25th August 2023

From 25th August, members will be able to update their KYC documents and selfie without admin asking., for example when you change address, renew ID, get married, change name etc.

The KYC UI will be updated on 25th August for all members however some tests will be run live with random members.

Note for the 25th August - If you have changed your proof ID, you must swap it in the KYC app. If your proof of ID has an address on it, and does not show your account registered address it will be rejected. If it does not show your image it will be rejected. If it is out of date, it will be rejected.

Note for the 25th August - By changing your ID, you must also update your selfie. The proof of ID used in KYC must also appear in your selfie. Different proofs in the selfie will not be accepted. If your selfie does not include your valid proof of ID used in KYC, it will be rejected.

Note for the 25th August - If you have changed address you must update your proof of address. If your proof of address does not show your registered address and match ID it will be rejected. If it is older than 3 months it will be rejected.

KYC checks is a manual process that can take some time.

If you are an Advertiser, please refer to your Advertiser back office dashboard home. The link to read is Advertiser KYC. All members including Advertisers must submit KYC and the proof of ID must be up to date (within 3 months) and MUST be updated using the new UI to change the Proof of ID every 3 months before expiry.

Everything about KYC is on the KYC app in your wallet. It is clearly stated in the drop down options meant to guide you what is acceptable and not. If your proof is not in the list = NOT (no exceptions).
